Typescript. d.ts files

needed to use js code in ts code through declarations

looks like this stackoverflow post describes it the best

as i understood js files and

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Typescript. Modules

Modules also created to group out code. Lets look at example

hi.ts // this will be the module

export default function sayHi() { console.log(‘hi, there’);

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Typescript. Namespaces

namespaces allow logically group our code

namespace Animals { interface Animal { sayHi(): void } class Dog implements Animal { sayHi(): void { console.log(‘av-av’); }

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Typescript. Generics

function foo<T>(x: T): T { // calc return x; } console.log(foo<string>(‘hi, there’)); console.log(foo<number>(123)); // — extends for generics function foo2<T extends { name: string

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Typescript. Type Assertions

as it was mentioned in DataTypes post there are 2 ways of assertions through as and <type> operators

// Type assertions const myCanvas =

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Typescript. Static methods and fields

Here is the same idea as in C#, Java and other langs. Static methods are methods that more devoted to class rather than to instance

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Typescript. get / set modifiers

works only with ecmaScript2015

class Man { private _name: string = «DefaultName»; get name(): string { return this._name } set name(value: string) { console.log(‘been here’);

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Typescript. Access Modifiers

public // by default

private // only inside class

protected // only inside class and its inheritors

readonly // readonly

a little bit of

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Typescript. Abstract classes and Interfaces

ABSTRACT CLASSES EXAMPLE abstract class Prayer { abstract pray: string; abstract makeSins(): void; doPray(): string { return this.pray; } } class Muslim extends Prayer {

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TypeScript. Class Inheritance

enum Sex { Man, Woman } class Man { name: string = «DefaultName»; family: string = «DefaultFamily»; age: number = 18; readonly sex: Sex.Man constructor(name:

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