Js. Bind vs Call vs Apply

Bind vs Call vs Appl from stack overflow

Call invokes the function and allows you to pass in arguments one by one.Apply invokes the function and allows

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Фиксим "There is insufficient system memory in resource pool ‘internal’ to run this query" при запуске MS SQL Server

    Вчера MS SQL Server преподнес мне сюрприз. При создании новой базы данных он выдал ошибку «There is insufficient system memory in resource pool ‘internal’ to

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Delphi 11. Улучшения VCL

    В связи с приближающимся релизом RAD Studio 11, Delphi 11 и C++Builder 11 компания Embarcadero стала понемногу рассказывать, что нас ждет в новой версии. Уже

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Typescript. d.ts files

needed to use js code in ts code through declarations

looks like this stackoverflow post describes it the best

as i understood js files and

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Typescript. Modules

Modules also created to group out code. Lets look at example

hi.ts // this will be the module

export default function sayHi() { console.log(‘hi, there’);

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Typescript. Namespaces

namespaces allow logically group our code

namespace Animals { interface Animal { sayHi(): void } class Dog implements Animal { sayHi(): void { console.log(‘av-av’); }

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Typescript. Generics

function foo<T>(x: T): T { // calc return x; } console.log(foo<string>(‘hi, there’)); console.log(foo<number>(123)); // — extends for generics function foo2<T extends { name: string

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Typescript. Type Assertions

as it was mentioned in DataTypes post there are 2 ways of assertions through as and <type> operators

// Type assertions const myCanvas =

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Typescript. Static methods and fields

Here is the same idea as in C#, Java and other langs. Static methods are methods that more devoted to class rather than to instance

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Typescript. get / set modifiers

works only with ecmaScript2015

class Man { private _name: string = «DefaultName»; get name(): string { return this._name } set name(value: string) { console.log(‘been here’);

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